Acadimic Guidance

      Academic Guidance  is the work of the faculty members in  the universities and educational institutions; to identify students in those institutions and their academic  systems. As well as helping them to improve in the study as best as possible.

                                     The importance of Academic Guidance
  It is very important to achieve the objectives of university education by using experiences of university faculty members to guide students in academic matters such as selection of specialty and provide the students suggestions to improve them grade., and inform them of variables related to the requirements and academic

                                                The objective of Academic Guidance

- The definition of students with institution of study, and its system .
- Help students to choose specialties that are commensurate with their abilities.
- Support students and help them to get better results.
- Assist students in solving their problems and improve them level.
- Guide students and help them overcome to achieve the desired success. 



















Last Update
12/18/2012 9:33:31 AM